This trip was kinda last minute due to the anticipated closing of the company. I had few days to kill before I officially "leave" the company. Most of my friends there were surprised that I returned so soon. However, despite my enthusiasm and high expectations of the beautiful underwater mystery of Pulau Weh, it was a disappointment this time. The waters were green with plankton, dark and gloomy in almost all the dive sites. Being a novice photographer/videographer, I could not accept the bad conditions which require lots of patience and light adjustments very often to obtain a decent footage and pictures. Honestly, I could not manage. I had forgotten to change the ISO when moving in different light conditions. Most of my movie shots were either too green or over exposed. Probably due to the strong currents, I did not react appropriately with my emotions affected.. I felt very down as I descended into the green and murky waters that the very basics of diving and photography were almost forgotten. Anyway, the disappointments were well trade off, we saw a pink frog fish, a Manta Ray and a marble ray.. hehehe!!!